
Vist Inuyasha Place Forum!
The InuYasha Place forums can be a great place to interact with other people. Here, you can talk about InuYasha,and much more. Nearly everything is up for discussion. Before you can post, you will need to register. This is completely free, and there are no obligations.
This is just a little list rules you should know before you join:
At InuYasha Place forums,warnings will be given for breaking rules. After a member has received three strikes, they will be banned from the forums and they may no longer post.
Forum Admins & Mods
Admins and Mods are a group of members who are dedicated to running the forums. Administrators are responsible for maintaining the forums, and moderators are responsible for a specific forum, or group of forums. All staff should be treated with respect.
Even though we have language filters doesnt mean we can find way to work around them by leaving a letter out of a word etc. Since the forums are open to people of all ages, bad language should be kept to a minimum.
Feedback and/or Suggestions
If you wish to comment on either the InuYasha Place main site or the forums, you may post in the Feedback and/or Suggestions section using constructive criticism and polite language.
Sigs,Avys and Ranks
Signatures are fields that automatically appear below every post that you make, which can contain a little bit of text, an image, a link to a web site, and things like that.
Avatars are pictures that sit next to your posts, and can have a maximum size of 80x80 pixels.
Ranks appear below your name on posts,it sor of classifies you depending on the amount of posts you have and in your profile. You can acsess the ranking info on the Guidelines when you enter the forums.
Obey the rules and you will surely enjoy your stay in the forums, So come join. But most importantly Have fun.
InuYasha Place forums