Miroku comes from a line of monks cursed by Naraku with a Wind Tunnel hole in their right hands that can suck anything into a dark void. For most of his childhood, Miroku trained at a temple with his mentor Mushin and his tanuki friend Hachi. But after both his father and grandfather had been consumed by their own Wind Tunnels, Miroku set out to destroy Naraku and break the curse before he too follows the same fate. On his journey, he met Inuyasha, Kagome, and Shippo and, after learning that the demon they were seeking was Naraku, he decided to join their group.Miroku has incredible spiritual powers, and though he despises the Wind Tunnel in his hand, it's probably one of the most effective weapons to use against enemies. As for his personality, he's extremely level-headed and knowledgeable, and also a bit of a delinquent. But though he's basically a good guy, his most noticeable trait is that he's a total womanizer! Yes, this very amorous monk has a major lust for the ladies, and it's not uncommon for him to ask every pretty girl he meets to "bear his child." But in spite of this, it seems Sango holds a special place in his heart.
Kikyo was once a renowned priestess given the task to care for the powerful Shikon Jewel. However, she fell in love with Inuyasha and was later tricked into betraying him by Naraku. After suffering a major injury from Naraku she used the last of her strength to seal Inuyasha to a tree with one of her sacred arrows before he got away with the jewel. Her body was later cremated along with the Shikon Jewel.After Inuyasha was freed and joined Kagome in searching for the Shikon shards, the witch Urasue used her powers to ressurect Kikyo. But even the newly revived Kikyo still harbored the sting of betrayal in her soul. Though she eventually learned the truth about Onigumo and Naraku, her feelings of hatred and bitterness still remain. At first she wanted nothing more than for Inuyasha to die with her, but her focus eventually shifted to using the Jewel's power to destroy Naraku. She never takes anyone's side, but does things to serve her own thoughts and feelings. Because of this, she may appear wicked and cold, but it's apparent that Kikyo has a reason for the things she does. A lot of the time, she wanders from village to village, using her spiritual powers to help people. However, since her body isn't that of a real human being but an empty shell made of clay and soil, she relies on her soul-collecting demons to bring her dead souls for energy. Her relationship with Inuyasha is still shaky and awkward. She continues to carry a severe hatred inside of her, but she simply cannot bring herself to truly harm him. And although she's rather indifferent to Kagome, she's obviously aware of the relationship growing between them.
Koga is the leader of the Wolf-Demon Tribe. And as such, he has many wolf-like habits, such as eating raw meat and living in a cave with his pack. He also has two Shikon shards, one in each leg, that allow him to move incredibly fast. One day, while letting his wolves run wild and sabotage a village, he ran into Inuyasha's group. He was shocked that Kagome could see the Jewel shards inside of him, so he decided to kidnap her and use her power to obtain other shards. It wasn't long before he grew to like her so much that he wanted to make her "his woman." Kagome does learn to like Koga, but she doesn't return his feelings of undying love. Koga, on the other hand, refuses to give up on her. However, even super-fast Koga could not escape Naraku's evil grasp. He sent Kagura to kill a great many of Koga's wolf-demon friends and framed Inuyasha for the deed, causing Koga to attack him! When Koga finally learned the truth, he set out to kill Naraku to avenge his kin. Accompanied by his two comrades, Ginta and Hakaku, Koga will stop at nothing to find Naraku.