InuYasha Place
InuYasha Place



News and reviews

Character bios 1

Character bios 2

Character bios 3

Character bios 4

InuYasha gallery

InuYasha Items

Guest book



Welcome to InuYasha Place,The only Inuyasha site on the web to give you all the InuYasha info you need.There a Forum,theres info on the anime, character bios, image gallerys, and much more!


-Mar.6 Inuyasha Anime to Continue?

In his production blog, Inuyasha producer Michihiko Suwa revealed that he and 33 members of the production staff met with Rumiko Takahashi and Kappei Yamaguchi last week in Hakone to discuss the future of Inuyasha as an animated work. Nothing definitive was released other than the animators desire to see the anime concluded. So could this mean were going to be getting more Inuyasha episodes on tv? To discuss further go to the Forum.

-Mar.3 Still looking

Sorry for the delays on the image gallerys. As you can see my inuyasha gallery didnt turn out how I planned it to be, so even though my image gallery sucks thus far, I will keep on trying. Despite the fact that my image page sucks, I am going to be adding another page, the "manga section" I am currently in the process of making right this moment so it should be done soon!

-Feb.28 Finnaly

I recieved a copy of the inuyasha first season boxset and it's AMAZING! it will be reviewed soon in the news and reviews section.The inuyasha gallery will be put up as well today. You should see Kagomes gallery up by Wednsday.

-Feb.27 Forums!

I just opened a real forum and am desprite for members, moderators and admins. so if your interested in becoming an admin. or a moderator email me at and if you want to become a memeber, then JOIN!
Unfortunatly my dvd didnt come yesterday though.It will definatly come Monday though. Sorry about the hold up guys.Oh and the image gallerys will be put up Monday as well.

-Feb.26 Anime/Manga

Episode names from episodes 1-101 were added to the anime/manga section. Im also expecting my season 1 boxset to come today, If i do get it today I'll review it first thing tommorow, but if i dont get it today then i'll be getting it monday.

-Feb.25 More problems with the site!!

Turns out theres was so many problems with the image gallerys, that now there completely down. Sorry for the inconvience.Should be up by Monday.There are also new pages added, there character bio pages, enjoy!

-Feb.24 Coming Soon!

I just ordered the "Inuyasha season 1 boxset" a couple days a go and Im expecting it to arrive in a day or two.I got it at
I'll be sure to give it a review in the "News and reviews" section when it arrives.Other than that Im still trying to work out the bugs on this site. I thought they were fixed but i guess i was wrong : It should be fixed within a day or two.

-Feb.22 Problems with the site

This site has been facing some technical difficulties on the "image gallery" sections and others as well.
Hopefulley they'll be fixed soon.

Feb.17 Inuyasha place is open!

at 9:51 PM, this site was founded.Be sure to check in soon, many more updates are on the way!!!

Vist the Inuyasha forums and post tons !!

Favorite picture of the week last, they finally have there first kiss. What a beautiful thing, i think i might cry!