News and Reviews
*if your new, heres how it works. Basically i buy Inuyasha products and franchise such as games, movies, etc. and review them. If its good I recomend them if its bad then i dont recomend them and in some cases i'll highely recomend the item.What i recomend will be located on bottom of the info of the product*
-I recently bought the video game "Inuyasha:The Secret of the Cursed Mask" for the Playstation 2 console. Okay I usually hate RPG games but this one is great! I mean i think it would be even better if it was set up like a zelda game, but I still liked it. It features new characters and the same old great ones, Every character you can possibaly think of in the series is in this game. Great and original storyline. You can play it over and over again. !!!!!!!!!Recomended for Inuyasha fans!!!!!!!!!
NEW-I just recieved a copy of the newly released "Inuyahsa season 1 boxset" and theres only one word to decribe it, AMAZING! Contains the full first season of Inu Yasha (27 episodes) on 5 DVDs in one gorgeous collection! Geat collectors item
!!!!! Highly recomended for Inuyasha fans!!!!!
